





1.      Schedule

2.      Registration

3.      Accommodation

4.      Daily arrangement

     4.1 Guest speakers arrangement on April 11, 2013

     4.2 Arrangement for the symposium on April 12, 2012

     4.3 Closing ceremony, outstanding paper award and performance

5.      Field trips

6.      Floor Plan

7.      Transportation

8.      Attachment


1.     Schedule

        •        10 April 2013: Checking-in for the symposium

        •        11-12 April 2013: Meeting

        •        13 April 2013: Field trip


2.     Registration

         The registration fee is 1500 Yuan (RMB) for non student and 1000 Yuan for student participants and accompanies. This fee will cover a copy of the symposium volume, poster board, and the lunch and dinner on April 11 and April 12, but does not include the field trip. The fee for field trip 500 Yuan (RMB) for route 1(R1) and 2(R2) and route 3 (R3), respectively.

         Please copy the PPT to the conference secretariat when you register or send it later before April, 11, 2013.


        More Information:

        http://www.karst.ac.cn;  http://iskw.karst.edu.cn/ ; http://www.irck.edu.cn


3.     Accommodation

         It is recommended that all participants to rest at Grand Link (Gui Shan:桂山) Hotel (http://www.guishanhotel.com/), the place where the meeting will be held. The hotel is a four star once with sophisticated facilities and clean environment. The hotel also provides a reduced price for participants of the meeting. If desire to book the hotel, please indicate that you are interested in the attached registration form and inform the secretaries in time so as to book the room successfully (accommodation fee is not included).

         Moreover, there are more economical hotels to choose from, including Guilin JingJiang Inn (in Qixing road) and Vianna Hotel (in Qixing road).Bus route 14 is available to get from these hotels to Gui Shan Hotel.


         Note: you can print this card to find the hotel.


4.     Daily Arrangement

          4.1 Guest speakers arrangement on April 11, 2013

Speech: Wan Ming, Jaya, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), MAB National Committee




4.2 Arrangement for the symposium on April 12, 2012



(1) Climate change and its impact on the karst water cycle

Content: karst morphology development under restricting condition of geology, climate, and hydrology; the effects of karst hydrogeology model have on water cycle; karst aquifer and karst water long-term monitoring; sensitivity of water cycle in karst region to climate change; Asia monsoon variation trend and cave stalagmite, lakes, ocean, ice core, and tree ring records in past climate change.



Augusto Auler, Jiang Guanghui






          Due to a lack of presentation, the second and the fourth special topic will be merged as one.


          (2) Increasing disturbance on karst lands and their process

         Natural environment in karst region and human activities affect land use pattern, including: the water resources conflict between industry, agricultural, and urbanization, water resources shortages due to groundwater pollution, the effects of land use pattern changes on water quality and quantity, water resources exploration, utilization, and protection, ecological degradation and reconstruction and rocky desertification remediation, and the mechanism of geo-hazard such as flooding, karst subsidence, and karst collapse.


          (4) Efficient management of karst water

Karst aquifer vulnerability and assessment methods; water resources assessment in karst region and water resources demand analysis with socio-economical development; karst groundwater vulnerability assessment under extreme climate condition; karst groundwater quality; discharge monitoring; and model construction; measures to ease water resources under unexpected event, and the legislation and system of karst groundwater resources management.



       Jim LaMoreaux, Yuan Daoxian


(3) The carbon cycle in karst systems

Karst landform formation and evolution; effects of carbonate rock dissolution to atmospheric/soil CO2 absorption estimation and drainage area carbon flux estimation; the effects of soil cover; soil environment carbon cycle and CO2 transfer on carbonate rock dissolution; the effects of vegetation cover and metabolism processes on carbonate rock dissolution; the effects of photosynthesis of aquatic plant to HCO3- stability during transfer processes; and the relationship between carbon cycle and water cycle.



Chris Groves, Liu Zaihua


5. Field trip

Field trip is on April 13, which includes three routes (R1, R2, R3) to choose from.

   Please note: In case of bad weather (such as thunderstorm), R1 and R2 will be cancelled. The fee will be refund. 


R1, Panlong Cave, Rentou Peak

Time: 8:00-16:00. Leave at 8:00 and back to Guishan hotel at probably 16:00.


       Explore the Guilin plain developing history relics and a field monitoring station of cave sedimentology research. Guilin geomorphology research was started from geographer Xu Xiake in Ming dynasty. IKG has started research on Guilin morphology since its foundation, which makes Guilin landscape became the model in karst morphology research in south China. Through cave stalagmite reconstruction, paleoclimate has been a research hot topic in Quaternary studies. Researches on the time and effect of the the younger Dryas event have been started since 1990s by using the cave stalagmite near Guilin and that research is still going on today, and Panlong cave is a typical example.


R2, The Yaji Karst Hydrogeology Experimental Site, Maocun Karst geology Experimental Site


Time: 8:00-18:00. Leave at 8:00 and back to Guishan hotel at probably 18:00.


The Yaji experimental site and Maocun experimental site are two bases set up to field monitor the karst hydrology system. Yaji has a small area and it focus on researches in epikarst and vadose zone. On the other hand, Maocun experimental site researches in groundwater system and focuses the hydrology and karst forming processes in subterranean river. The bases have different monitoring tools for runoff, automatic monitoring instrument was also installed, and it is a typical location for studying and understanding its hydrogeology. Through the trip to these two bases, you can understand the water resources vulnerability in karst around south China, and learned how to manage water resources under extreme climatic condition and human activities and reduce the effects of geo-hazards.


R3, Li River

Time: 8:00-15:00. Leave at 8:00 and back to Guishan hotel at probably 15:00.


Li River scenery area is center in Guilin, started with Ling Canal, Xing’an from the north, to Yangshuo to the south, connected by the Li River. It is located in the east of the Guangxi Autonomous region in South China, which is belongs to the Pearl River system. Li River originated in Maoershan, Xing'an County, with a total length of 83 km from Guilin to Yangshuo. It looks like wriggling jade belt, wrap within the marvel peaks, and produced the world largest and most beautiful karst scenic spot. You can enjoy the view of the peak shadow, clear water and green peaks, child singing, fisherman relaxing, traditional housing garden, and fresh breath around the Li River.    

Photo: Peak-cluster landscape in the river side of Li River




5.     Floor Plan

The meeting rooms are on the second floor, Guilin Gui Shan (Hua Xing) Hotel.



9. Transportation

Traffic Information:

(1)From Guilin Liangjiang International Airport to Guishan Hotel

a. Take a taxi at airport to the hotel. It costs about ¥100.

b. Take the shuttle bus from the airport to Guilin Aviation Hotel (¥20), and then take a taxi to the hotel (about ¥10).

(2)From Guilin Railway Station to Guishan Hotel

a. Take a taxi (about ¥20).

b. Take the No. 10 bus at Guilin Station (桂林站) to Seven Star Park (七星公园). And then walk south along Chuanshan Rd. (穿山路) to the hotel (about 900 m).

(3)From Guilin North Railway Station to Guishan Hotel

a. Take a taxi (about ¥40).




10. Attachment



Shen Lina

Tel: 86(773) 5857232


Luo Qukan

Tel: 86(773) 5857232


E-mail: dfa_ikg@karst.ac.cn















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